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Sunday, July 17, 2011


Here is the latest in my link-listing series.  Also check out my Best of 2010 Summary for links to 100+ other posts I've done in the last year.
[I am also now using Twitter for quick updates and to share links. Follow me at:]



  • Data Annotations Extensions: Nice post from Scott Kirkland that discusses a very cool NuGet package that provides a bunch of additional DataAnnotations that you can take advantage of.
  • SessionLess Controllers in ASP.NET MVC 3: Good post from David Hayden that talks about the new [SessionState] attribute in ASP.NET MVC 3 and how you can use it to indicate session behavior on Controller classes.
  • Templated Razor Delegates: Phil Haack has a nice post that discuses how to take advantage of Razor's Templated Delegate support.  This enables you to build some pretty cool templated HTML helpers.

ASP.NET and jQuery

  • jQuery 1.5 Visual Cheat Sheet: A free PDF that you can download and print which provides an easy way to lookup and remember jQuery APIs and commands.

Entity Framework

  • EF 4.1 Release is Coming: The ADO.NET Team blogs about the release plans for EF 4.1 – which includes the new "code first" support that I've done several blog posts about.  Final release coming soon!
  • Oracle Support for Entity Framework 4: Blog post from Oracle that announces the beta of their official EF provider – which allows you to use EF and EF Code First against Oracle database.


  • C#/.NET Little Wonders: James Michael Hare has a nice post that links to a number of great C#/.NET articles he has written that shows off cool tips and tricks.
Hope this helps,

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